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Cleveland Carmel - Our 100th Anniversary with Sr. Bernadette, Sr. Maria, Sr. Barb, and Sr. DonnaWe are contemplative women religious whose mission is love and unceasing prayer lived in community and solitude for the Church and world. We follow in the footsteps of Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross who believed that small communities of disciples could live in an environment of love, joy, care, and friendship, always singing the mercies of God. We belong to the worldwide Order of Discalced Carmelites and are members of the United States Association, Carmelite Communities Associated.

Saint Teresa of Avila wanted her sisters to live in small communities where Christ was the center of life and each sister respected and seen as a friend. Our hope is that our lives witness gospel values, where all humanity is cherished and that we grow to full stature in Jesus Christ...

Sr. Bernadette and Sr. Barb in the library
Sr. Maria playing guitar
Cleveland Carmel Sisters Barb, Eileen, Donna, and Maria
Sr. Barbara
Sr. Vera Lee
Sr. Mary K. in chapel

The following excerpt from the blessing of our new monastery on February 23, 2020, inspires us as we live our lives as discalced Carmelite women.

O God, your continuous work begets in us every measure of desire and achievement. We bless you for walking with us during our pilgrim days on earth. Grant to your servants who live in this house these blessings:
to listen to you in faith,
to speak to you in prayer,
to seek only you in their work,
to find you in all they do,
to become witnesses to the Gospel.

Through them spread the good news of Christ everywhere until the day they rejoice in the revelation of his glory.

O God, inspirer and author of every resolve, hear our prayer that you will bestow the kindness of your grace on these sisters who live in this monastery. Make it a place of continuous meditation on your word, of mutual love, and of tireless service to others. Grant that those who here loyally follow Christ may together become an eloquent witness of their consecration to you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen